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Do you want to see Kyiv, but don’t know where to start?

Does the thought of putting together an itinerary stress you out?

Are you not sure which hotel or which locations will be the best for you, your family or group?

Are you questioning how much time to spend where, which sites are truly must-sees or which are simply tacky tourist traps?


Let me help you!


I’m an experienced international traveler and native of this city!

I love to show people the beauty of Kyiv and make your trip as convenient, easy and fun as possible. Trust me, the time and money you spend to let me help maximize your trip will be well worth it. We can help make sure you get exactly where you want, exactly when you want, see exactly what you want, all while saving you hassle, worry, and money!


I can help you answer all of these questions so your trip to Kyiv will be both memorable and tailored specifically to your needs and wishes.


Contact Sviatoslava today for a reasonably priced paid consultation! I will be happy to discuss all of the details of your trip (your requirements for your trip, timing, logistics and answer any questions on what I can do for you)!



 Travel   consulting

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